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Steel Structures

 Steel Structures

Steel Structures

The structural engineer works as a member of a team, and to operate successfully requires flair, sound knowledge and judgement, experience and the ability to exercise great care. His or her role may be summarized as planning, design, supervision of the preparation of drawings and tender documents and supervision of construction. He or she makes decisions about materials, structural form and design methods to be used. He or she recommends acceptance of tenders, inspects, supervises and approves fabrication and construction. He or she has an overall responsibility for safety and must ensure that the consequences of failure due to accidental causes are limited in extent.

The designer’s work, which is covered partially in this book, is one part of the structural engineer’s work.
The main purpose of the fourth edition remains, again, to present:
  • Up-to-date principles and relevant consideration in the field of structural design
  • New and revised practical design examples for some of the majortypes of steel-framed buildings .
  • New chapters on the structural design of major types of structural elements to Eurocodes of practice such as
  1. Plate girder
  2. Cased steel columns
  3. Composite floors and composite steel beams
All buildings can be framed in different ways with different types of
joints and analysed using different methods. Member design for ultimate conditions is specified. Projects are selected to show alternative designs for the same structure.
