Introduction to Optimum Design, Fourth Edition presents an organized approach to optimizing the design of engineering systems.
Basic concepts and procedures of optimization are illustrated with examples to show their applicability to engineering design problems. The crucial step of formulating a design optimization problem is detailed.The numerical process of refining an initial formulation of the optimization problem is illustrated and how to correct the initial formulation if it fails to produce a solution or does not produce an acceptable solution.
This as well as other numerical aspects of the solution process for optimum design are consolidated in chapter: Optimum Design:
Numerical Solution Process and Excel Solver. The pedagogical aspects of the material are addressed from student as well as teacher’s point of view. This is particularly true for the material of chapters: Introduction to Design Optimization, Optimum Design Problem Formulation, Graphical Solution Method and Basic Optimization Concepts, Optimum Design Concepts: Optimality Conditions, More on Optimum Design oncepts:
Optimality Conditions, Optimum Design:Numerical Solution Process and Excel Solver,Optimum Design with MATLAB, Linear Programming Methods for Optimum Design,More on Linear Programming Methods for Optimum Design, Numerical Methods for Unconstrained Optimum Design, More on Numerical Methods for Unconstrained Optimum Design, and Numerical Methods for Constrained Optimum Design that forms the basis for a first course on optimum design. More detailed calculations are included in examples to illustrate procedures. Key ideas of various concepts are highlighted for easy reference.Practical applications of optimization
techniques are expanding rapidly, and to illustrate this, engineering design examples are presented throughout the text.
Chapters: Optimum Design: Numerical Solution Process and Excel Solver, Optimum Design with MATLAB, and Practical Applications of Optimization also address various aspects of practical applications of optimization with example problems.
Many projects (identified with a *) based on practical applications are included as exercises at the end of chapters: Optimum Design Problem Formulation, Graphical Solution Method and Basic Optimization Concepts,Optimum Design: Numerical Solution
Process and Excel Solver, Optimum Design with MATLAB, Practical Applications of Optimization, Discrete Variable Optimum Design Concepts and Methods, and Nature Inspired Search Methods.
Direct search methods that do not use any stochastic ideas in their search are presented in chapter: More on Numerical Methods for Unconstrained Optimum Design and those that do are presented in chapter: NatureInspired Search Methods. These methods do not require derivatives of the problem functions, therefore they are broadly applicablefor practical applications and they are relatively easy to program and use.