Theory of Beam-Columns
The book begins with a rigorous derivation of basic differential equations of biaxiatly loaded beam-columns and proceeds to offer a unified approach to the various approximations and numerical solution techniques.
Various methods for which accurate solutions can be obtained are reported. While the emphasis is on the analytical methods, numerical and experimental results for various three dimensional beam-column problems are presented. Some of the results obtained are presented here for the first time.
In many cases existing results have been rederived to enable them to be presented in accordance with the unified viewpoint of the present treatment. While this volume focuses particular attention on the analysis and behavior of three-dimensional beam-columns, the development of improved procedures for the practical design of such beam-columns, is also discussed and illustrated. Further, the book treats the flexural-torsional buckling of laterally unsupported beam-columns as the special, or limiting case, of biaxially loaded beamcolumn problems and devotes an entire chapter to this particular subject.
Here, as in Voi. 1, most relationships given in the book are expressed in dimensionless form. For numerical examples, both the Customary (English) and SI (International System) units are used. The references are given in a separate list at the end of each chapter in alphabetical order by the last name of the senior author. Exercise problems are given at the end of each chapter and the answers to some of these are given at the end of the book.
The real application of some numerical procedures and their associated solution techniques require not only the mastery of the theory, but also a considerable experience in computer programming. With this in mind, three chapters have been written separately by three active investigators—Dr. N. S. Trahair of the University of Sydney (Chap. 3), Dr. S. Vinnakota of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (Chap. 10) and Dr. S. Rajasekaran of P.S.G. College of Technology (Chap. 12) who have contributed much to developments in this field. Here, an in-depth discussion on this subject together with their experience of computer solution is presented and it is hoped that this will be beneficial to those attempting to implement their own programs.