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Microalgae Building Enclosures

 Microalgae Building Enclosures

Microalgae Building Enclosures

Microalgae architecture has gained awareness for its biotechnical potential to achieve net-zero energy architecture while also promoting ecological sustainability and occupant well-being. Microalgae Building Enclosures: Design and Engineering
Principles aims to provide design, engineering, and biotechnical guidelines for microalgae building enclosures that need to be considered for symbiotic relations among the built environment, humans, and ecosystems.

Part I of the book introduces the theoretical background of microalgae as a bioremediator and future energy system and their potential roles toward sustainable and healthy built environments. Part II exemplifes interventions and multiple benefts of microalgae systems in product, architecture, urban, and infrastructure applications across the globe including Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, South America, and North America. 

Part III explains the design and engineering criteria, biotechnical design requirements, and various performance metrics for microalgae architecture. Finally, Part IV investigates potential building applications in lowrise buildings, high-rise buildings, and energy-effcient retroftting. The book also includes international case studies of microalgae building systems within various building types and climates.

As one of the frst books to comprehensively cover this emerging area of microalgae building enclosures, Microalgae Building Enclosures is an essential source for professionals and students looking to expand architectural discourse on nature integrated building systems to achieve the triple bottom line of sustainability.
