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Reinforced Concrete Mechanics And Design

 Reinforced Concrete Mechanics And Design

Reinforced Concrete Mechanics  And Design

Reinforced concrete design encompasses both the art and science of engineering. This book presents the theory of reinforced concrete design as a direct application of the laws of statics and mechanics of materials. It emphasizes that a successful design not only satisfies design rules, but is capable of being built in a timely fashion for a reasonable cost and should provide a long service life.

Philosophy of Reinforced Concrete:
Mechanics and Design A multitiered approach makes Reinforced Concrete: Mechanics and Design an outstanding textbook for a variety of university courses on reinforced concrete design. Topics are normally introduced at a fundamental level, and then move to higher levels where prior educational experience and the development of engineering judgment will be required.

The analysis of the flexural strength of beam sections is presented in Chapter 4. Because this is the first significant design-related topic, it is presented at a level appropriate for new students. Closely related material on the analysis of column sections for combined axial load and bending is presented in Chapter 11 at a somewhat higher level, but still at a level suitable for a first course on reinforced concrete design. Advanced subjects are also presented in the same chapters at levels suitable for advanced undergraduate or graduate students.

These topics include, for example, the complete moment versus curvature behavior of a beam section with various tension reinforcement percentages and the use of strain-compatibility to analyze either over-reinforced beam sections, or column sections with multiple layers of reinforcement. More advanced topics are covered in the later chapters, making this textbook valuable for both undergraduate and graduate courses, as well as serving as a key reference in design offices.
