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Six-Phase Electric Machines

 Six-Phase Electric Machines

In the five chapters of the monograph, Six-Phase Electric Machines, a comprehensive
description of the following material is presented: (a) research on the harmonic
spectrum of magnetomotive forces generated by the six-phase windings, methods
of their development, and methods of analysis of electromagnetic properties of
such windings (Chap. 1); (b) creation of electrical diagrams of the single-layer
six-phase concentrated, preformed, concentric, and chain windings, and an inves-
tigation and evaluation of electromagnetic properties of these windings (Chap. 2);
(c) creation of electrical diagrams of the two-layer preformed and concentric
six-phase windings, investigation and evaluation of electromagnetic properties of
such windings (Chap. 3); (d) creation of electrical diagrams of the two-layer
preformed fractional-slot six-phase windings, investigation and evaluation of
electromagnetic properties of such windings (Chap. 4); (e) determination and
comparison of electromagnetic and energy-related parameters of a factory-made
motor with a single-layer preformed three-phase winding, and a rewound motor
with a single-layer preformed six-phase winding (Chap. 5).
In this monograph, the author performed a comprehensive analysis of different
types of six-phase windings, as well as the theoretical investigation of related
electromagnetic parameters; this investigation was also used as a basis to complete
the qualitative evaluation of electromagnetic characteristics of discussed windings.
The monograph is intended as a professional book, dedicated to the specialists in
the field of electrical engineering, and could be used to deepen their knowledge and
apply it in practically. Material can be also used as a source of scientific information
in master’s and 
doctoral studies
To download kick
 here .
