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Automobile Mechanical and Electrical Systems

Automobile Mechanical and Electrical Systems

One of the things that I fi nd most interesting about automotive technology 
is how it advances and changes. It is also interesting that ideas from many 
years ago often return to favour. In this book I have therefore concentrated 
on core technologies, in other words how the technology works, rather than 
giving too many examples from specifi c vehicles. However, I have included 
some examples of Formula 1 technology, arguably the pinnacle of automotive 
engineering. Did you know that the 2011 McLaren MP4-26 F1 car is made of 
11 500 components? And that’s counting the engine as one! 
 This book is the fi rst in the ‘Automotive Technology: Vehicle Maintenance and 
Repair’ series:
● Automobile Mechanical and Electrical Systems 
● Automobile Electrical and Electronic Systems 
● Automobile Advanced Fault Diagnosis 
 The fi rst of its type to be published in full colour, this book concentrates on 
essential knowledge and will cover everything you need to get started with 
your studies, no matter what qualifi cation (if any) you are working towards. 
I have written it to be accessible for all, by sticking to the basics. As you want 
more detailed information, you can move on to the other two books. I hope 
you fi nd the content useful and informative. Comments, suggestions and 
feedback are always welcome at my website: www.automotive-technology.
co.uk. On this site, you will also fi nd links to lots of free online resources to 
help with your studies. 
 Good luck and I hope you fi nd automotive technology as interesting as 
I still do.
